Take photos with my babies at last day!!!
I am a childcare major student at IVE (Sha Tin), Vocational Training Council. My ICT teacher,Dr. Charles Man-Wing Tang(http://charlestang.org/)teachers how to fully utilize computing in my career
2012年5月16日 星期三
認知發展理論是瑞士心理學家皮亞傑(J. Piaget)提出,他認為人的認知發展及問題解決能力是受生理成熟、活動、社會經驗及自我調適所影響。幼兒正處於感覺動作期及前運思期階段,他們的認知 學習是透過感官、動作及身體運動所獲得。這時期的幼兒對環境事物均感興趣,並喜歡四周探索。所以,幼教工作者及父母應透過生活經驗,引發孩子學習的興趣。
「多 元智能論」是美國哈佛大學認知心理學教授霍華德.嘉納(Dr. Howard Gardner)所提出,他認為人類的智能大致可分為8種,包括:語言智能、數學邏輯智能、視覺空間智能、音樂智能、肢體運動智能、人際溝通智能、個人內 省智能及大自然觀察智能等。每個孩子均擁有這8種智能,而這些智能的發展,每個人的強弱不一。因此幼教工作者及父母必須按?孩子的興趣,引發孩子的潛能, 並以其強的智能提升弱勢智能發展,使各種智能得以互補。只有這樣,才能提高孩子的自信心。比如孩子喜歡運動,可以讓他參加足球隊。讓他藉?運動智能的強 勢,提升較弱的人際溝通智能。
蒙特梭利教學法是由義大利著名教育家蒙特梭利(Maria Montessori)設計,蒙特梭利認為兒童天生對事物感興趣,喜歡探索及認識自己的生活環境的事物。因此,幼教工作者及父母應提供孩子一個富於感官學 習的環境,讓孩子親身觸摸和探索,從而發展孩子的潛能及獨立能力。
瑞吉歐(Reggio Emilia)教學法源於意大利小鎮,始創人馬拉古齊(L. Malaguzzi)認為發展兒童的創意是非常重要的,其主張應以孩子的興趣出發,課程以方案活動的學習形式,提供不同的物料,讓兒童自由地進行創作。透 過各種活動引發小朋友的創意。瑞吉歐教學法除了?重培育兒童的美藝創作外,更注重他們在智能、情緒、社交、道德的發展。
很多教育研究認 為,若提供幼兒多方面的感官訓練是有助刺激大腦發育,從而增進智力的發展。填鴨式的教育方法是違反幼兒教育理論的,同時它會窒息孩子的潛能發展。因此幼兒 教育應該是生活經驗的教育,正如教育學家約翰.杜威(John Dewey)所說:「幼兒的教育是從實踐中學習(Learn by doing)。」
認知發展理論是瑞士心理學家皮亞傑(J. Piaget)提出,他認為人的認知發展及問題解決能力是受生理成熟、活動、社會經驗及自我調適所影響。幼兒正處於感覺動作期及前運思期階段,他們的認知 學習是透過感官、動作及身體運動所獲得。這時期的幼兒對環境事物均感興趣,並喜歡四周探索。所以,幼教工作者及父母應透過生活經驗,引發孩子學習的興趣。
「多 元智能論」是美國哈佛大學認知心理學教授霍華德.嘉納(Dr. Howard Gardner)所提出,他認為人類的智能大致可分為8種,包括:語言智能、數學邏輯智能、視覺空間智能、音樂智能、肢體運動智能、人際溝通智能、個人內 省智能及大自然觀察智能等。每個孩子均擁有這8種智能,而這些智能的發展,每個人的強弱不一。因此幼教工作者及父母必須按?孩子的興趣,引發孩子的潛能, 並以其強的智能提升弱勢智能發展,使各種智能得以互補。只有這樣,才能提高孩子的自信心。比如孩子喜歡運動,可以讓他參加足球隊。讓他藉?運動智能的強 勢,提升較弱的人際溝通智能。
蒙特梭利教學法是由義大利著名教育家蒙特梭利(Maria Montessori)設計,蒙特梭利認為兒童天生對事物感興趣,喜歡探索及認識自己的生活環境的事物。因此,幼教工作者及父母應提供孩子一個富於感官學 習的環境,讓孩子親身觸摸和探索,從而發展孩子的潛能及獨立能力。
瑞吉歐(Reggio Emilia)教學法源於意大利小鎮,始創人馬拉古齊(L. Malaguzzi)認為發展兒童的創意是非常重要的,其主張應以孩子的興趣出發,課程以方案活動的學習形式,提供不同的物料,讓兒童自由地進行創作。透 過各種活動引發小朋友的創意。瑞吉歐教學法除了?重培育兒童的美藝創作外,更注重他們在智能、情緒、社交、道德的發展。
很多教育研究認 為,若提供幼兒多方面的感官訓練是有助刺激大腦發育,從而增進智力的發展。填鴨式的教育方法是違反幼兒教育理論的,同時它會窒息孩子的潛能發展。因此幼兒 教育應該是生活經驗的教育,正如教育學家約翰.杜威(John Dewey)所說:「幼兒的教育是從實踐中學習(Learn by doing)。」
2012年4月11日 星期三
Do not miss an important opportunity for early childhood development language
Psychological studies have shown: 18 to 24 months after birth is a very important period of early childhood development language. In general, young children to the age of three can tell a thousand words.
So, the two-year-old children in the use of language have what characteristics?
They used the language of enthusiasm. Two-year-old children like to speak with the adults, like to listen to the adult fairy tale story, sing songs. Sometimes, they will be holding an adult's clothes, no matter how busy you are, have to tell you. Impatient, do not comply, they will pursed mouth happy miles.
They understand the language to describe the specific things. For example, when adults say "car", even though the car is not in front of children seen the car, will immediately raised his eyebrows, "Flute ... Flute" cried, can make the position of the driver's steering wheel in the house start up.
Kids three weeks to years old, they have begun to do some of the words some general and general understanding. For example, the word "bowl" that they understand not only their own small iron bowl, and also includes the parents of the bowl. When we shouted "baby Congguizili take the bowl", they are dominated by the language, to hold to a few bowls.
Language is a very important role in the development of infant mental, parents must be determined, do not miss to help children develop the language of opportunity. To this end, we must take the initiative to talk to the children, let the children use language to express meaning. Sometimes, the child's words are very naive, or even completely wrong. But it does not matter, as long as the patience to teach him a few times, children will be able to speak accurately. Sometimes, we can also consciously ask questions, let the children find their own answers to exercise choice of words, sentences, and the ability to speak.
Child brain development...
Have been many parents for their children to help lay a good basis for learning to help them better development in the smart, they often use many different way to beefing up the child, not knowing these methods not only failed to effectively improve intellectual development of children, and many more hinder (or even harmful) in the children's brain development.
Here are ten guidelines is the early childhood education sociologist and intellectual development of the brain scientist jointly to promote the development of early childhood brain important guidelines:
1 provides a warm, caring for young children, and often get concerned about the living environment. To give children a good physical and psychological security and healthy development is an important foundation for foster children smart.
Regularly monitored by the different performance and characteristics of early childhood development, and respond appropriately. If found early children's learning difficulties, or other intellectual development problems, and give them some guidance aids, will be able to greatly improve their chance of recovery.
(3) and young children are often to talk, read and sing. This is to provide a variety of learning opportunities, and give different stimuli to help brain development.
The concept of the Montessori Method
The concept of the Montessori Method is built based on the children curious and love to search for answers to nature. Children before the age of six are particularly sensitive to the environment, Montessori advocated children's interest in learning-oriented: in a particular environment, the teacher served as guide, with a specially designed teaching aids, students free and independent learning.
The Montessori Method teachers are required to understand the function and use of aids program, the concept of abstract subjects such as mathematics, efficacy significantly. The principals Huang Shaolan Montessori by the kind to teach children learning abstract mathematical concepts, use of different materials to explain how from 9 to 10. 100,1000 and other more abstract concepts also aids expression, so that the children in mathematics more a clear idea of this teaching method not only allows children to absorb academic knowledge, able to meet the everyday life.
The Montessori Method covers four areas: basic movement (the size of muscle training), social skills, self-care ability and caring environment. Approach emphasizes sensory learning, teaching aids used in schools are made of wood and rich colors to attract children want to touch to stimulate the spontaneous learning.
The Montessori Method teachers are required to understand the function and use of aids program, the concept of abstract subjects such as mathematics, efficacy significantly. The principals Huang Shaolan Montessori by the kind to teach children learning abstract mathematical concepts, use of different materials to explain how from 9 to 10. 100,1000 and other more abstract concepts also aids expression, so that the children in mathematics more a clear idea of this teaching method not only allows children to absorb academic knowledge, able to meet the everyday life.
The Montessori Method covers four areas: basic movement (the size of muscle training), social skills, self-care ability and caring environment. Approach emphasizes sensory learning, teaching aids used in schools are made of wood and rich colors to attract children want to touch to stimulate the spontaneous learning.
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